MusesNFT Marketplace & MusesNFT Box

Q2 2021

Creating of detailed specification and finalization of whitepaper discussions

Programming of Muses (MSS) smart contracts

Staking smart contract and platform

First version of web portal and IDO held

Integration of Muses (MSS) with top-tier exchanges

Integration of Muses (MSS) with MusesNFT

First Art Piece sold with Muses (MSS)

Creation of API for wider integration with web portals dealing with art

First integration with external websites

Adoption of Muses (MSS) in other use cases other than trade

Q3 2021

Alpha stage

First virtual gallery spaces created

First exhibitions created

Backend setup with web interface for managing exhibitions, art, artists, galleries, etc.

First exhibition planning tool prototype

First exhibitions created with planning tool

Q1 2022

Beta stage

More 3D galleries created MusesNFT platform. Closed Beta program opened

First virtual art exhibitions on art shows

Pre launch stage

First Mobile Augmented Reality app

First Mixed Reality HoloLens app

Public beta version of MusesNFT platform.

Integration of Muses (MSS) tokens

Public launch stage

Public launch of full MusesNFT platform version

Muses Box wallet and payment infrastructure integrated with web

First sale of Art Piece with Muses (MSS)

Marketing and PR activities in art world

Roadmap of Muses City Metaverse

Q4 2021 – Q1 2022

Muses City trailer release: Ready showrooms located within the Muses City Metaverse

Develop multiuser connectivity in Muses City and release teaser

Metaverse Enhancements - improve graphics in community sector

Muses City – move to server side and expand functionalities

Develop additional gallery showrooms, event halls, shopping centers, restaurants and fun activity spaces within the Muses City Metaverse

Metaverse Development – Web3 implementations

Metaverse – Design upgrades

Character c ustomization upgrades and expansion

NFT augmented galleries

Metaverse – Limited Beta release (access for some users for testnet)

Use MSS token for transact within the Muses City

MusesNFT DAO Launch

Roadmap of MusesNFT Launchpad

Q4 2021

Smart contract audit


Building the connections across multiple chains

Binance and Ethereum networks

NFT Launchpad

Matic and Solana networks

Roadmap of 3D scanner

Q3 2021

First prototype creation

Extraction of relief maps, true colors, and surface reflection data (finished)

Creation of first commercial device

Further development of mathematical algorithms

Beta software for wider use deployed

Integration of scanning tool in MusesNFT platform

Final scanning software release

Last updated