The ownership of an original art piece could not be divided. An original art piece cannot be physically divided into pieces and shared among different locations. When people buy artworks, they usually place them in their space for admiration and enjoyment. This is what the original purpose of art is.

An original art piece cannot be physically divided into pieces and shared among different locations.

Even though we can foresee the future of the MusesNFT multi-chain platform including mechanics for shared ownership of original art pieces, we don’t believe this is necessary or even doable in the near future. Especially as shared ownership would be used mostly for trading, creating a system that would govern shared ownership of an art piece would demand a strict ruleset for majority owners, voting rights and other mechanics that would be incorporated in a such solution. The current art market has no room for such a system yet. However, art lovers will be able to purchase different copies of the artwork in NFT form depending the number of available digital copies.

A virtual copy of an art piece can have shared ownership and multiple copies.

While treating an original art piece as a single indivisible object, its virtual representation NFT form can have a completely different life and purpose. The virtual NFTversion can have multiple copies and shared ownership with benefits that span virtual worlds. A digital art piece can have a limited number of virtual copies where its value is determined on an open market of digital art.

Museums would have stimulation in selling digital copies of famous artworks in their possession to a limited number of buyers in order to finance digitization and preservation of art, as well as to gain profits while still keeping the original. We see that transformation into virtual and mixed reality will open more demand for digital copies NFTs of original artworks in the near future. Museums and national galleries would lead the way into this new world where we could experience even the most distant locations on the globe, visit virtual exhibitions and enjoy art. Our mission is to empower those institutions with tools and platforms that can benefit the whole civilization.

Virtual reality NFT will never substitute an original art piece, and this is not our intention or the way things should be. Virtual reality NFT is here to empower and promote the creation and consumption of art, bringing it closer to its admirers. For some use cases it is a complete experience, for others it is a teaser for real world art pieces. It is an experience that is inspirational and educational, creating the need for immersion into the art world.

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